Friday, February 11, 2011

Chúc mừng năm mới

Chúc mừng năm mới
“Happy New Year!”

The country was in an interesting state when I first arrived only 1 week ago. As we were headed to our new pad, Clayton said, “you think driving is crazy now, just wait until the country is back to normal next week.” Clayton has already become accustomed to the city life with 5 weeks here since his move on his expat resume. The Vietnamese have been both very lucky and very unlucky in their past, but I would say that getting an ENTIRE week off for New Year’s is pretty lucky. Dear American government, would you please take a tip from the Vietnamese and declare an entire week off of work for New Year’s? Thanks.

As we were walking around last weekend enjoying the holiday and snaking our way through the crowds, I noticed that just because Asians were still in their own country does not mean that they take any fewer or any less ridiculous pictures of themselves. All I can say is, I wish I had my camera to capture some of the best snap shots…like the guy that was posing seductively with a hand behind his head and the other on his hip standing in front of the Louis Vuitton window in a saucy plaid shirt unbuttoned ½ way paired with sleek skinny jeans (I was thinking of you the entire time Lauren!) But seriously, it was beautiful with the entire main street of downtown shut down and decorated with temporary gardens overflowing with leafy plants, orchids and the Vietnamese ‘Christmas tree’ with the yellow Hoa Mai flowers and other various attractions.

After only a week in this country I am just starting to understand the irony behind “Vietnamese logic”. Please remember this term as we will likely be referring to it many many times throughout our stay here! For example, 2 days ago we journeyed to an electronics store to get a wireless internet router. There were 2 stores, conveniently kitty corner from each other, so we thought, great! we will certainly be able to find one today. However, once we arrived we realized that they were the exact same stores, just on opposite corners (?) So, we chose the one most convenient to where we happened to be standing, navigated our way across the street, and stepped inside to surprisingly find about 25+ different router models behind glass on display. Having no idea which one we needed, we picked out a moderately priced option and called a sales guy over. After looking through the inventory book he told us that, unfortunately, they did not carry that specific model. Okay… So we choose a different one similar to the first and repeated our request. Fail on that model as well. So, Clayton asked, “well, which of these models DO you sell here?” Turns out the store did not sell a single one of them. That is your first example of what I will endearingly refer to as VL.

But I’m sure you are also all wondering about the good things out here, so let’s skip right to that! Our apartment and the grounds that we are living in now are like a fancy resort! Although our shipment has yet to arrive, we have quickly become very comfortable in our new pad. It’s pretty difficult here, with housekeeping and linen service 3x per week, a nice, refreshing pool with cushy lounge chairs, $4 pina coladas to keep you calm, because the environment is just sooooo stressful… Immediately after stepping off the plane, I began sweating through my “light” clothing, but all around I see the locals wearing sweatshirts, jackets and pants because this time of the year is considered to be “mild” weather. The average daily temperature is sunny and around 80-85 deg F (so cliché of you Vietnam for having awesome weather everyday) but yes, that is “cool” to them, never mind the near constant perspiration that covers us… So, packing your bags yet? Luckily for you, you may stay the night. If you were a Vietnamese national, you are not allowed to partake in any sexy sleepovers here unless you are with your spouse (that is an actual rule at this compound). No brothels here.

But enough of our adventures for now. More to come later, of course. I doubt that there will be an end to the cultural comparisons or silly faux paus on our part! Happy New Year's to all!

1 comment:

  1. so it's been a little cool here, too! like -27F two weeks ago - Moriarty posted coldest temp in the nation. But not much snow - Wolf Creek is doing fine, per usual, pretty thin at Pajarito.
    Sounds like the Viet living arrangement is working out for now!! Post pix, and recipes OK? Sorry to hear about Clayton's head and shoulder stand on the soccer field! Rough league! How's the medical care? At least there's a PT in the room! Happy New Year!!
