Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Rents in Asia!

After 2 years of "making all the mistakes and learning all the scams", both sets of parents decided to take the plunge hoping that after all this time we have figured a few things out and will direct them to the best places....which partially happened....  But I think more than anything, Clayton and I were just trying hard not to "pop" their Asia bubble as it was a first for both sets on this side of the world. Common phrases were things like "it looks just like Mexico!" (Ummm...yeah....) Or "Oh these ladies are all so nice" (and coincidentally ALL selling something ... Eye roll here) or "this beef pho is so good" (though it's probably not actually beef you are eating...) I'm not sure if we accidentally said those responses out loud but we generally tried to keep our cynical judgements silent to at least try to give the impression of good hosts ;)

Clayton's parents and sister, Corie, arrived during the week of TET just in time to see the downtown decorations and madness that HCMC D1 becomes. They made their way onto Hanoi, Sapa and Hoi An. Plenty of time trekking, picture taking and pho eating was had. I was able to meet them in Siem Reap, Cambodia for a few days of temple hopping and Khmer cuisining.  After spending 2+ weeks traveling with a crew of 7 (2 of Clayton's family friends-Dave and Cathy- bravely signed up to join in the circus) his parents went onto Thailand solo. I have no idea why they didn't invite everyone on this trip as well-they couldn't have been tired of traveling with ALL of us?! But we didn't let them leave without the obligatory warnings of: Watch your bags! Don't take Bangkok taxi's!!  Don't pay more than $2 for faux ray bans! They succeeded in returning to HCMC with all limbs intact and stories of amazing underwater creatures viewed first hand! (Yes!! Maggie went diving! And now is hooked :)

Shortly after Clayton's friends and family departed Asia, my parents rolled into town accompanied with the hopes of enough free suitcase space to fit all the goodies they were about to find in the 4 different countries of Asia we squeezed in. They made the obligatory Vietnam trip: Saigon > Hanoi > Sapa > Halong Bay > Hoi An (whew...) which was my idea for a good 1 week summary of the best of Vietnam. It was a plane to train to boat kind of an itinerary and I doubt they even remember all that happened save the "threading" lady in Hoi An who happily removed as much of Bill's random hairs until he cried mercy and stormed out. But I think they have a few photos to jog the memory bank.

Clayton and I joined them for a combined trip to Bali where we spent 2 nights in a surf camp and too much time on a surf board (or in my case getting tossed off the board). Then 3 blissful days in Ubud amongst the rice paddies and terraced rice fields with a day trip to a world heritage site and terraced paddies that date back to 1051!! We immediately followed that with a crazy trip to Bangkok (because when is a trip to Bangkok ever NOT crazy!?) We coincided our trip with Thailand's New Years water festival -Songkran- which pretty much means that the entire city becomes one giant water gun fight. Don't have a water gun? Just use a bucket! If you are part of the fire department? Knock everyone down with your hoses! But it really was that crazy...getting ambushed with water guns in the middle of the city! Nobody was safe...

We stopped by HCMC for a quick re-fuel (and laundry stop) then headed out for one last trip to Palawan, Philippines for Julie and Bill's first experience scuba diving as well!  It was difficult to stay out of that water-whether we were diving or snorkeling...just being able to plop ourselves down in the ocean in front of the (private) island resort with some pretty spectacular coral and ocean life was addicting. The sunsets were spectacular, the water amazing turquoise, teal and blue and white sand beaches were a sight we hope to remember through many a cold winter...

They were successfully able to fit all that 3 weeks worth of shopping allowed into their suitcases and waved their goodbyes to pho and motorbikes last week.

The remainder of our spring is going to be a mess of traveling with the basketball team for Chantel, finishing up projects and starting new ones for Clayton, packing up, shipping out Ginger, saying too many "until the next times", and finally boarding out flight bound to Portland on May 31st (!!) For those of you holding your breath for our return to Portland, you may start requesting reservations on our social calendar at any time :)

We have had an exciting, educational, passport filled, and "character building" time in Vietnam and Asia. We will be leaving too many good friends, breaking up Ginger's burgeoning courtship with Pono, and coming to terms with the realization that we will no longer have domestic help... Goodbye to the sweaty days, hoards of motorbike traffic, and miscommunications. Hello again to doing laundry, cooking, and layers of jackets, scarves, gloves, boots! It's a sweet and sour time that we are equally sad to leave but looking forward to exciting days ahead!

Clayton almost immediately begins work at Nike at an exciting new job in the  "innovation" category though will likely take necessary time to gorge on Chipotle, fill up shopping carts at Trader Joes, and make a beeline with fly rod in hand to the Oregon rivers. I will spend a few weeks catching up with friends and family, helping the rents to clean house and finally settling in Boise, Idaho for a year in a sports medicine residency program! I'm sad to wait another whole year to officially move back to Portland...but I think Boise will suffice for now ;)